珠宝店铺装修的五大应该注意的问题: Five main points for attention in jewelry store decoration are: 一:珠宝展柜不宜摆在出口处 One: the jewel booth should not be placed at the exit 有些珠宝商店为了促销珠宝,往往在扶梯的出口处摆设珠宝展柜,目的当然是要使顾客一踏上楼面就能看见所推销的商品,以增加出售商品的可能性,但这种做法往往使得一些顾客会故意绕开这个展柜,而走向旁边的展柜。您不妨将挡在楼梯口的柜台向旁边移开2公尺,再看看效果,相信您会感觉到“宅相学”的妙用。 Some jewelry stores, in order to promote jewelry, tend to set up jewels at the exit of the escalator. The purpose is, of course, to make the customers see the goods sold on the floor to increase the possibility of selling the goods, but the practice often makes some customers deliberately bypass the showcase and move towards the next showcase. You might as well move the 2 meters away from the counter at the staircase to see the effect. I believe you will feel the magical effect of "home study". 二:珠宝店面颜色———不能随便定 Two: the color of the jewelry store - can't be decided 珠宝店装潢的颜色有很大的讲究,现在有许多商店非常注重店面内部的颜色,有些珠宝商家通过心理测试认为,例如红色等比较明快的颜色,会令人处于一种相对兴奋的状态,激起人们的购买欲望。从**的角度而言,珠宝店面内部的颜色,要和店主的生辰、珠宝店面的朝向以及所售商品的五行属性相结合而考虑,将商品的属性纳入木、火、土、金、水五大类,然后根据店主的命卦和商店的宅卦,具体确定商店内部的珠宝展柜的色彩,方法较为繁复,必须请专业的宅相家定夺。 The color of the decoration of the jewelry store is very particular. Now many shops pay great attention to the color of the interior of the store. Some jewelers think that, for example, the brighter colors like red, such as red, will be in a relatively exciting state, arousing people's desire to buy. From the angle of geomantic, the color of the interior of the jewelry store should be combined with the owner's birthday, the orientation of the jewelry store and the five lines of the goods sold, and put the attributes of the goods into five categories: wood, fire, soil, gold and water, and then determine the internal beads of the store according to the storekeeper's divination and the store's Gua. The color of the display cabinet is very complicated, so we must invite professional home owners to decide. 三:珠宝店门———做得过小不纳气 Three: the door of the jewel shop - too small to do it 珠宝店的门是商店的咽喉,是顾客与商品出入与流通的通道。商店的门每日迎送顾客的多少,决定着商店的兴衰。 The door of a jewellery shop is the throat of a shop, and it is a passageway for customers to enter and circulate with goods. The number of doors per day of the store determines the rise and fall of the store. 四:声煞———别放震耳欲聋的音乐 Four: Sonic brakes - deafening music 播放震耳欲聋的音乐,其实这样做是很不好的,音乐本身确实可以营造一种气氛,但要看是营造了怎么样的气氛,轻柔雅致的乐声,可以使顾客留连忘返,增加顾客在商店里的逗留时间,从而增加顾客消费的可能性;而震耳的音乐在**中称之为“声煞”,属于凶煞的一种,使得人们自然而然地产生出烦躁的情绪,对珠宝店的促销只能起到负面的影响。 It is not good to play deafening music. The music itself can create an atmosphere, but it depends on how to create an atmosphere, soft and elegant music, which can make customers forget to return, increase customers' stay in the store, and increase the possibility of customers' consumption. Music is called "sound brakes" in geomantic water. It belongs to a fierce kind, which makes people naturally born out of irritability, and can only have a negative impact on the promotion of jewelry stores. 济南鸿福商展有限公司 联系人:刘经理 地址:山东省济南市天桥区大桥镇倪家庄工业园 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*!